The game-play in this mode is similar to the traditional RTS gameplay. Launch large-scale military campaigns against your foes to bring them to their knees. You train and command many units, hire and develop heroes, acquire powerful artefacts and conquer strongholds and villages. In strategic mode, you play against computer opponents or other players on the Internet exercising your strategic and tactical skills to achieve objective victory. There are two modes of playing the game that complement each other - adventure mode and strategic mode. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK january 1998 until today.Game Description: Celtic Kings is a real time game that blends strategy, role-playing and adventure elements. Is a freeware "cheat-code tracker" that makes hints Tricks and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs, PSP, Sega, Wii, Playstation, Playstation 2, Playstation 3, Nintendo 64, DVD, GameboyĪdvance, Gameboy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, XBox, XBox 360, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from one central location. Spotlight NEW Version CheatsBook DataBase 2015 Visit Cheatinfo for Celtic Kings Cheat Codes or FAQs! Visit CheatBook for Celtic Kings Cheats, Tips or Hints! Having Celtic Kings codes we dont have yet? Computer hangsĠ03) ae shows a nice tree with all the properties of theĬurrent level (it's actually an editor of some kind)Ġ06) BuildRLEMMap yet another game-hanging optionĠ19) DebugSelected debugs the selected unitĠ20) DeepWater running DeepWater(1,1,1) says "BuildDark()Ġ25) DumpFuncToXML dumps some XML function descriptions intoĠ26) DumpObj shows a nice tree of the selected unit'sĪbilities, don't use when nothing is selectedĠ30) ESG tells about the enemy squads of player2Ġ33) ExportObjs ExportObjs('filename') and it exports all theĠ34) ExportTerrain same as above, exports terrainĠ37) GAIKAFD shows green tiles all over the non-object spaceĠ39) GetItem GetItem('x') probably gives you item x if youĠ40) gmp gives coordinates of the point under the mouseĠ55) pr pr('You are fat') will print 'You are fat'Ġ56) PreLit shows BuildLight(), apparently does nothingĠ57) PrintMemStats shows memory statisticsĠ61) RayOfLight "Abe ti me buzikash s tezi parametri maj,a?"Ġ64) RemFD opposite of AddFD (removes the white tiles)Ġ65) RemoveDecors no more bushes, trees etc.Ġ70) ScreenShot saves a huge bmp screenshotĠ76) SetPlayer switches player don't do it when you'reĠ77) SettlementCount gives a settlement countĠ78) ShowFlatTerrain the terrain becomes weirdĠ80) Spawn Spawn(100,10) spawns 100 units for you andĠ83) TestAdventure tests adventure integrityĠ93) UndoMemory accessible only in editor modeĠ95) USR tells what the hell does the selected unit doĠ98) _DbgSel displays the danger for the current selection?Ġ99) _InvalidateAllToggle nothing visibleġ03) _PlayersShareControl nothing visibleġ04) _PlayersShareSupport nothing visibleġ09) _ToggleInvRects shows rects over units. Start game, hit enter and type the following cheats:Ġ01) AddFD shows white tiles all over non-object areas andĠ02) AdvExplorer Built in MYTH option.

Press during gameplay and then enter the following codes: Now you can see everything (but not in minimap).

Press "Enter" to open chat dialog and type "ToggleFog".